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4 Ways Being in Nature will Help You Feel Better

Mother Nature is an expert at nurturing us when we need her.

Here are four simple ways you can lean on her next time you need her!

1. If you are feeling stressed

Nature presents scenes that gently capture your attention instead of suddenly snatching it, calming your nerves instead of frazzling them.

2. If you are feeling disconnected

One of the most basic human needs is to feel that you belong and you’re part of a larger tribe. Time in nature results in a sense of belonging to the wider world that is vital for mental health.

3. If you are feeling uninspired

If you haven’t found a way to tackle that next big project at work, or an obstacle that’s impeding your personal goals, try noodling on it in the great outdoors. Spending four days in nature improved problem-solving skills by 50%.

4. If you are feeling antisocial

Time in nature can help with your personal relationships, too. Natural beauty results in more prosocial behaviors, like generosity and empathy.

To learn how you can merge nature, movement and therapy to accelerate your healing and wellbeing, check out our FREE Life Review or our Online Community.


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